Monday, January 10, 2011

Poison Quickwrite

Factors that influence our choices are our personalities, our needs, fears, society values, environment, and the people around us. A hard choice that I had to decide, was when my parents asked me if I wanted to move back to Taiwan or stay in California. I thought about it for couple of months, because I was listing out all the good and bad of each decision. I thought about how I would fit into a new school when starting high school, how my environment would change, how my personality fits in, and whether I was brave enough to go to a whole new school. Keeping all those things in mind, if I chose to stay in California, I would have more friends. I would of had people I knew when becoming a freshmen. Since I already knew the place like the back of my hand, I would of had no trouble going anywhere. But, if I chose to go back to Taiwan, everything would change. I would be going to a whole new environment that I haven't been around for over 7 years, and attending a new school where I know no one and no one knows me. It was a hard choice, because mainly for me, I was seeing whether if I was brave enough to start a whole new life in a whole new place. The most important factor that influenced my choice, was my personality. I love meeting new people and going to new places to see what it's like in different parts of the world. Being that kind of person who loves meeting new people, I decided to move back to Taiwan.

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