Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cyrano & Roxanne Difference

One of the biggest difference between the two movies is the part where the guy insults Cyrano about his big nose. In the movie Cyrano, he didn't ask for the guy to choose a number of how many different way he can comment about his nose. Another big difference in that scene was the fighting scene, in both how they fought and the timing. The fight in the movie Roxanne was a lot shorter than the one in Cyrano. In the movie Cyrano, Cyrano made a poem while dueling, but in Roxanne it was quick and effective. A characteristic that was different in the Cyrano of the movie Cyrano and Roxanne was that the one in Roxanne had like super acrobatic skills. Something in common is their personality such as intelligence, cleverness, way with words, and wittiness. Both of their physical capabilities were compatibles as well, they were both able to beat up the guys who gives him  trouble. Last but not least, in the movie Cyrano, Roxanne was the cousin of Cyrano. While in the movie Roxanne, Cyrano (Charlie) and Roxanne were complete strangers.

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