Situations that might make someone feel proud:
- winning a game
- getting better grades than others
- knowing more than others
- being right
Pride is both a positive and negative thing. It can be positive because you might of just won a game, and you feel proud that you helped out to win the game. It's good when you accomplish something good. It's also a negative thing because sometimes you can be too proud. When one is too proud, they change and think that they're better than others. Just because you're good at one thing, doesn't make you better than everyone else, so pride can also be a bad thing. To be proud means to feel strong accomplishment, to feel superior over one another, and to feel that you did something good or that you can brag about. Pride isn't a primary emotion, so it's a mix of other emotions. Pride is also another feeling of confidence, being confident about doing things, and not afraid of being wrong.
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