I have had a dog ever since I was born. Even though we weren't the closest, he was still a part of my family. We would take walks in the park and we'd play pranks on him. He was very strong, smart, and healthy. Everytime my mom came home, he'd bark non-stop. Whenever we leave for vacation or trips, we'd ask out neighboors to watch over him. No matter how long or short the trip was, he'd always have the biggest welcome back for us. But because my family moved to America, we had to leave him with our uncle. It was heart breaking, but he would live better and more freely there than if he came with us. After about 3 to 4 years, we got the news he passed away. My mom was devasted, because she was the closest to him. Our whole family was very sad, because he was our family's first and best dog.
People love their pets because they become a part of your family. We develop love and feelings for them. They're like another human being, we create strong bonds between the two. Without them, people can feel empty and useless. People with pets tend to live longer and happier.
Good response. Pass.